what is margin and padding


Hi friends,in this post I am sharing about margin and padding .As a beginner  ,It will make a little confusion while using css and html coding with these properties .Let we see in detail.For remembrance you should have html editor ,more html editors available in net for free. Download it from net and work offline for free.

padding and margin


Padding means it’s a space between content element and it’s border.Padding is within an element and text.


Hi this is padding with 1pixels.



Hi this is padding with 10 pixels.


Sample image with 1 px


Sample image with 10px


Padding-top:Make space just above between content element and content border.
Make space just below between content element and content border.
Make space just right between content element and content border.
Make space just left between content element and content border.


Margin is the space between outside of border.For simple understanding it is the space between two elements.In websites also you can find there is a space between header and content or posts.Using margin you can also do this.


We can use margins for left,right,top and bottom.

Margin-top:Make space between just above element like between two separate rows.
Margin-bottom:Make space between just below element like between two separate rows.
Margin-right:Make space between just right of element like between two columns.
Margin-left:Make space between just left of element like between two columns.

That’s all about padding and margin.For beginners this post will be a chance to play with padding and margin code and properties.

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Hi. I am interested in blogging.And sometimes play with webdesign,web development,domain sale,designing logo and more.

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