Simple trick I forgot to try-Get details of a static webpage when net speed is slow

Hi friends in this post I am sharing a trick which will be useful in case of slow net speed.It will be useful only if the webpage designed with html.And is not possible in all type of sites. You are browsing a webpage in google chrome to note an address but even after some minutes  the webpage is still loading but it is not displaying anything.In this situation ,right click on that webpage and click view page source.



view page sorce

A new tab opens and displays the webpage code.Click CTRL+A and copy CTRL+C and now paste that code in notepad.


copy page sorce code


While saving notepad , type file name abc.html and save as type “all files”.Use encoding as “UTF-8” and click “save”.


save page source as html


Keep in mind you should disconnect internet and right click abc.html choose open with google chrome .You can get details of that webpage.


open with google chromeMost of Images will not display because of net disconnect.


Why we need to disconnect internet?


Because most of the webpages not loading  due to images only.And if you are connected to internet,for our saved file abc.html the image url also took time to load.For this reason we are disconnecting to internet.


open in html file


The layout are not positioned well in our saved notepad anyway it is worth when there is slow net speed.To find details from our saved notepad just use “CTRL+F” and type the name what you want.

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Hi. I am interested in blogging.And sometimes play with webdesign,web development,domain sale,designing logo and more.

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