what is div in html ?

Hi friends,in html code most often you can see two things <div> and <li> .Already we have mentioned we are posting for what is category as a useful part for the beginners.This post is also be helpful for the beginners.


In html,<div>( division) is used to define a section of html documents.Let we see with examples.
  • First create a section of html document.Here,code for heading and paragraph  are written .
  • <h1> Heading</h1>
      <p> Paragraph.</p>
  • Above is the output you will get.
  • Next step we define how to appear this heading and paragraph in different colour.
  • It means we are using div to make heading and paragraph in different colour(here green).
    <div style="color:#00ff66">                                                                                   <h1> Heading</h1>
      <p> Paragraph.</p>                                                                                          </div>
div used
  • The above is the output you will get.That’s all friends.
  • Try the above things in offline html editors.And also you can use notepad as an alternative.We also use css with div to reduce the code lines and also for designing web layouts.We will see these things in further posts.
  • And friends, some attributes used in HTML 4.01 will not be used in HTML5.So I recommend you to see the website w3schools.com.
  • As a beginner ,definitely this post will be helpful to start with html codes.We will update more in further posts.
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