Requirements to get google plus custom url

Hi friends,we know how to create facebook pages and we get url like we come to gplus ,here also we can create pages but we get url like  and it will be hard to remember.But now gplus also offering custom urls like with some requirements.The main advantages of gplus custom url name is easy to remember web address.

google plus custom url

Google plus custom url  requiremets

  • You should have 10 or more followers in your gplus profile .
  • Your account should be  30 days old or more.
  • Finally a profile photo.

How to find you are approved for Google plus custom url ?

  • If you satisfied with their requirements, then you will get notification through mail and also in google plus notifications.
  • On top of google plus profile or page you will have a notification  bar claim now.
  • Just click it.A popup display to choose custom url like below
  • or addsomesuffix.
  • Instead of just pagename you can also give like pagenamemine,a sufffix to make more unique.
  • Choose any one and click claim now .Then reload with gplus custom url.
  • Finally you can see successful custom url for your gplus profile or page.

If you want to change the capitalisation of your custom URL, follow the below  steps:

Go to the "Links" section of your Google+ profile.
A box will appear allowing you to edit the formatting. for capitalisation.

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